Dear participant,
My name is Júlia Gaborova and I am a student of the European Master in Business Studies (EMBS). The program is composed of 4 semesters in 4 different European countries: - Italy - France - Germany - Spain. I am currently working on my Thesis about Green Consumer Behavior, Green Consumption and Ecotourism.
I would be really grateful, if you could take some time to fill in the questionnaire posted bellow. The completion of the questionnaire will take you approximately 10 minutes.
Your participation will represent an essential contribution for my Thesis. The data collected through this questionnaire will be analyzed to provide empirical evidence to my research. All information collected will be treated confidentially and used only for research purposes.
The link for my Questionnaire:
Thank you for helping me by completing the survey!
If you have any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Julia Gaborova