
I am looking for manuals / catalogs of successful CBT initiatives anywhere from the globe. We are in the middle of developing a manual.

Thanks in advance.


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I am not sure, if all the cases presented were successful ones, but, please check the conference presentations from  There are cases related to community-based tourism from over 12 countries. The videos of the plenary sessions (+ some parallel sessions) as well as the conference proceedings will be available by the end of the October at the same page.

Another thing, we are at the moment finalizing a development tool for community-based tourism created in COMCOT –project (An innovative tool for improving the competitiveness of community based tourism, ). It should be ready by the end of October as well. The tool (more or less a development process) focuses on the northern European context, though, but it is based on 6 real life 2,5 year pilots conducted in Finland and Estonia.


I hope these help a bit!


Best regards



Dear Susana,

Thanks indeed for sharing the Solimar link, in fact i had referred to their work earlier as well. The Solimar initiatives are truly inspirational projects.



Dear Anne,

Thanks for your reply and sharing links and information related the CBT initiatives happening at your part of the world.

The leads given seemed to be quite interesting and look forward to receive similar inputs from you in the future as well.

warm regards,


Anne Matilainen said:



I am not sure, if all the cases presented were successful ones, but, please check the conference presentations from  There are cases related to community-based tourism from over 12 countries. The videos of the plenary sessions (+ some parallel sessions) as well as the conference proceedings will be available by the end of the October at the same page.

Another thing, we are at the moment finalizing a development tool for community-based tourism created in COMCOT –project (An innovative tool for improving the competitiveness of community based tourism, ). It should be ready by the end of October as well. The tool (more or less a development process) focuses on the northern European context, though, but it is based on 6 real life 2,5 year pilots conducted in Finland and Estonia.


I hope these help a bit!


Best regards


Hi Nahar,

You might find something from Ecolnet Best Practices library Community Development cases





This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

The European Ecotourism Knowledge Network (ECOLNET) is a 3-year project (2010-2013) co-financed by the European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme, Transversal Programmes, Key Activity 3-ICT Networks.

For more info, please visit the ECOLNET official website.


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